Unique Technological Advantages
Extrodinary battery life
Continuous tracking & monitoring
Data accuracy
Programmable dynamic configuration
Data security
Open and scalable platform

*ZT-28S (70mm × 51mm × 12mm) is even smaller than a standard credit card (85.6mm × 54mm × 0.76mm) , making it easy to conceal for secure tracking.
Multi-Sensor GPS: GPS + Temperature, Motion, Tilt. for Logistics, RV, Greenhouse, Cold Chain. Ultra-Long Battery Life. Industrial. Global Coverage. Disposable Option. 3-Month Subscription Included.
UBITracer Multi-sensor GPS ZT-28S
Multi-Sensor GPS: GPS + Temperature, Motion, Tilt. Global tracking for vehicle, asset, luggage. Quality control for cold chain. Disposable & Reusable. 3-Month Subscription Included. Auto IDLE Mode.

UBITracer Consumer UI/APP

Manage Subscription
The Manage Subscription feature in the UBITracer app allows users to easily view, update, and control their devices and assets. Users can check real-time location, environmental conditions, configure multiple alerts and more—all in just a few taps. Stay in control of your tracking services with a seamless app experience.

UBITracer Multi-Sensor GPS ZT-28S
ZT-28S is a compact multi-sensor GPS with temperature, motion, and tilt sensors. Ideal for tracking vehicles, assets, and luggage, it offers global LTE coverage in 180+ countries. With a 3-month subscription included, it features motion-based energy efficiency, optional door status alerts, and is water-resistant and tamper-proof for reliable, real-time tracking and monitoring in harsh conditions.
UBITracer Tracking Solutions
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