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Industrial Instrument and Equipment Tracking and Monitoring

Companies such as General Electric have multiple divisions each with instruments and equipment that travel around. For some of them, it is critical to track the current location, trace back the historical travel routes, determine the dwell time at each stop, and analyze the spatial distribution of industrial assets. For some other assets, it is also necessary to know if the instruments have experienced strong shock or exposed to high humidity.


These companies have chosen UBITracer Multi-Sensor GPS to meet the challenges: UBITracer ZT-28E for track and trace, and UBITracer ZS-300L when additional monitoring such as shock, humidity, light, etc. is required.

Which UBITracer Multi-Sensor GPS to use for “Industrial Instrument and Equipment Tracking and Monitoring”?

“We recommend using UBITracer ZT-28E to take advantage of its ultra-long operation time if you only need track and trace, and do not need to monitor additional parameters such as shock, humidity, light exposure, tilt, fall, etc. For precision instruments and sensitive machineries, however, UBITracer ZS-300L provides powerful additional monitoring capabilities and should be considered."
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