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Explore how to effectively use Ubitracer for advanced supply chain monitoring and asset tracking. Learn about its features, integration capabilities, and best practices to optimize your operations.

UBITracer Usage Samples

Andrew Parker is the Creator of the “Flying High for Kids” project. Over five years, he took kids in 87 countries to fly in balloon, thereby encouraging them to follow their high dreams. DB Schenker donated a UBITracer Multi-Sensor GPS (“Smartbox”) to him to track his route and belongings.

He took a leave from flying the balloon for 6 days while in Namibia, and returned to find his truck had been ransacked, with all his personal belongings gone. The thieves had taken just about everything, even all the clothes, linen, towels, etc.

The thieves also took the UBITracer Multi-Sensor GPS. Andrew went online and found the location of the tracker, and where it had been, where it had stayed and each for how long, and when it had movement while he was away. The police and Namibia Army gathered a team of 20 men and went in three cars to raid the location of the UBITracer.

 Personnel and Personal Belongings Protection

Asset Tracking Story

The full story can be found here by search for “tracker”:

Sure enough, they captured three thieves and found the UBITracer Multi-Sensor GPS and about 25% of Andrew’s belongings, including two of the most expensive items.


“Thank goodness for the Smartbox tracker which was sponsored by the logistics company, DB Schenker. It’s used for tracking freight usually, but it proved invaluable in this case.” Andrew said.

A major lab collects medical samples nationwide and ship to its main facility for testing. The samples are stored and transported in cooler boxes and the temperature must be controlled within a certain range.


Then the lab use UBITracer Multi-Sensor GPS to track the cooler boxes and log the temperature. 

UBITracer gps device installed inside the customized engineering box

Companies such as General Electric have multiple divisions each with instruments and equipment that travel around. For some of them, it is critical to track the current location, trace back the historical travel routes, determine the dwell time at each stop, and analyze the spatial distribution of industrial assets. For some other assets, it is also necessary to know if the instruments have experienced strong shock or exposed to high humidity.


These companies have chosen UBITracer Multi-Sensor GPS to meet the challenges: UBITracer ZT-28E for track and trace, and UBITracer ZS-300L when additional monitoring such as shock, humidity, light, etc. is required.

Some of your most valuable properties such as vacation home, recreational vehicle, boat, and the basement of even your primary home are vulnerable to various environmental elements. Moisture, frozen temperature, theft, just to name a few. In an age of climate change and extreme weather such as tornados, hurricanes, storms, and wild temperatures, your assets and properties are under increasing threats.


And you may not be there all the time when something alarming happens. Even if you are, you may not notice what is going on in every corner of your basement or attic. Frozen pipes, water and moisture damages, break-ins are all on the rise.

 ubitracer gps tracker use to tracking Comfort, Safety and Security for your RV
ubitracer gps tracker keep tracking Comfort, Safety and Security for your RV

Here is a humidity chart from UBITracer ZS-300L in a basement. It covers a week in July.

The homeowner was mindful of moisture in the basement and used a Wi-Fi controlled switch to run a dehumidifier in the early morning hours each day, as electric rates are much lower around that time. From July 7 to July 11, the humidity in the basement still exceeded 65%. Realizing the inefficiency of the dehumidifier, he decided to start using another dehumidifier. From July 12 onwards, the moisture in the basement is taken under control.


With alerts on temperature and humidity even when a property owner is half a world away, he or she can take advantage of the actionable intelligence provided by UBITracer Multi-Sensor GPS, and proactively avoid dreadful damages and maintain a high-quality living conditions at any property.


UBITracer ZS-300L works without Wi-Fi and can operate for months without a battery charge. This ensures you a peace of mind even when power outages or Internet outages occur.

UBITracer ZS-300L can be used remotely to monitor secondary home, time-sharing vacation home, and rented-out properties

UBITracer ZS-300L also monitors atmospheric pressure, which is a highly sensitive parameter to indicate storms, or altitude changes when you are climbing or traveling through mountains. Usually, air pressure changes more rapidly than other parameters with incoming storms. In the tornado season in the nation’s heartland or hurricane season around the Gulf of Mexico, air pressure change will be more dramatic. Of course, we do not want to see temperature inside a house fluctuates as air pressure and humidity shown above, otherwise the homeowner may need to send someone over right away to prevent frozen pipes.


In summary, UBITracer ZS-300L can be used remotely to monitor secondary home, time-sharing vacation home, and rented-out properties. Video cameras may be possible at some of the properties, but they are not nearly enough. You need to monitor temperature, humidity, and potential misuse of the properties, and you need to know what is going on especially when W-Fi and power are dropped. For time-sharing vacation home and rented-out properties, it is also possible to share data collected by UBITracer ZS-300L with other stakeholders.


UBITracer ZS-300L’s ability to continuously monitor light exposure and shock is also very useful for home security. When strategically placed, a house break-in can cause UBITracer ZS-300L to see light or drop, and trigger instant alerts, prompting the property own to call for help even from far away. If the device is taken by burglars, it can track them down and pinpoint their whereabout and movements. The store here ( is just another case of stolen property recovery.  


When you use UBITracer ZS-300L to monitor RV (Recreational Vehicle) and other vehicles. The device will provide you with GPS tracking in addition to temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure. Light, shock and motion monitoring can bring added benefits by detecting theft and tampering. For moving properties, UBITracer ZS-300L can adjust data reporting frequency based on motion and save power to extend operation time by reporting less frequently when your RV or other vehicles stands still.


For boat, UBITracer ZS-300L can monitor moisture, temperature, atmospheric pressure, and movement to help secure your boat, avoid damages, and thwart theft. When in open seas where cellular coverage is not available, the device can still record your navigation route and report it back once cellular coverage resumes. Changes in atmospheric pressure can also record storms.


Which UBITracer Multi-Sensor GPS to use for “Safety and Security for your Vacation Home, RV, Boat, and just the Basement”?

- We recommend using UBITracer ZS-300L as it provides the most versatile and comprehensive monitoring capability, including humidity, temperature, GPS, light, shock, motion, tilt, atmospheric pressure. You may choose UBITracer ZT series if you only need to monitor temperature and location.

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Which device to use for “Personnel and Personal Belonging Protection”?


“You can use either UBITracer ZT-28E or UBITracer ZS-300L. UBITracer ZT-28E provides location tracking and temperature with ultra-long operation time between battery charges. UBITracer ZS-300L offers additional features such as more accurate locations in rural areas, light exposure, humidity, atmospheric pressure, shock, motion, free fall, etc."
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