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User Guide for ZT Series

Download the UBITracer Mobile APP to configure your device!

UBITracer Android APP
Download the UBITracer app from Google Play - seamless access to features, updates, and tools for an enhanced experience.


Make sure your device has an active subscription plan, access to cell signal, and sufficient battery before activation. If you have already tried to activate the hardware device or the activation tag has already been pulled out, please jump to step 3.


 Find the orange activation tag located on the back side of the device, then pull it vertically from the device. The light indicator will start to flash with short pauses initially, signifying the device is attempting to get online. See the following scenarios for further instructions.


Scenario 1: Light indicator turns off after flashing or turns blue after flashing if the device is being charged, this indicates your device has been successfully activated. No further procedure is required. You may continue your tracking and monitoring experience from here. 

Scenario 2: Flashing pattern has longer pauses and short flashes, signifying initial communication has failed. Follow step 3 after 30 minutes.


Find the pogopin on top of the device, and press any metallic object against both pins for 5 seconds. The light indicator will start to flash once the metallic object is removed from the pogopin. Repeat step 3 every 30 minutes until success.

A woman looking at charts on the screen

If you have more questions that are not displayed, please click here to contact us to find more setails of UBITracer ZT-Series.

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